Today I give a workshop “Act/React differently”. I teach this participant to gain insights in a different way of acting in a special and cool way. (in a very nice and accessible way)

At 11:00am again “a special conversation” and “inspiration” to see, “how ordinary, accessible, simple” something can and can be experienced and applied.

We are going to turn it into a fantastic “180 degree spin” workshop. (and safely taking into account 1.5 mtr)

Workshops that are aimed more accessible to the attitude, understanding of intentions by working on:

✔ the blind spot
✔ a different look
✔ to-do list (DOING)
✔ special insights
✔ act differently
✔ nonverbal - verbal

I have selected an appropriate inspiration picture for this participant:

Agree with the text of the quote?

You think you're going to perceive differently?

Share = Inspire others

👍 = agree/interesting

Greetings, Michael

Ps. if you are curious about the workshops/consults I give, please send me a personal message.

#volgme #letsconnect #vertrouwen #mindset #workshop #inspireren #nonverbaal #verbaal #gelijkwaardig #intenties #andershandelen

You think you're going to perceive differently?