Death was heading towards her next destination, an old lady and mother of four children, whom life had treated very badly, since 15 years ago one of her daughters had been abused and killed by a depraved man who was still alive.

When she arrived at her destination she entered and there was the lady lying down When she looked at death, she said to her:

-"I know very well that my time has come, but first answer me something Does God exist”

“Death answered him, “But what kind of question is that?, of course God exists.

-So can you tell me why fifteen years ago he allowed my daughter to be raped and murdered by a deranged man? tell me, couldn't you take that bastard instead of taking my poor daughter who was just 9 years old?

-Death replied:
Do you know? We are two sisters, VIDA is my older sister and I AM DEATH the smallest, vida is a woman who can sometimes be very resentful, likes to make people suffer, on the other hand I consider myself someone a little more friendly and even compassionate.

- How can you say that? Said Janeth the dying woman, if you make everyone you touch suffer.

“The angry death replied: You are wrong about that, I took your daughter to appease her pain, you have no idea how much she was suffering at that time.

- And why haven't you taken that damn bastard who killed my daughter yet? It's been 15 years now. (Janeth asked angrily)

- That's very easy to answer (said death), my sister won't let me, that day she was furious and wanted to take care of him personally.
Well, if I had taken him, he wasn't paying for what he did, a short time after arriving in prison he was raped by each and every one of the prisoners and that was only the beginning because those 15 long years have also passed for him and I assure you that on hundreds of occasions he has asked me to kill him but my sister life has not left me, he always tells me he still doesn't pay all the damage he did.

“Now I understand,” Janeth said with a little conformity in her voice, but if you are so kind and you soothe the pain, why did you decide to leave me suffering in life? With the pain of no longer having my daughter in my arms and even worse knowing what her last hours of life were like.

“Death said to him, “because you still had three children left whom you had to protect, and now I am taking you because your work as a mother is already done.

Janeth felt for the first time in fifteen years at peace and died calm and with a smile on her face because at the end of her days she understood one of the secrets of life, all things happen for a reason, although many times at the moment we don't understand it.

Sometimes death can be wonderful and life can be an ordeal.

Your friend la muerte

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