Cell phones, they can't be imagined in our lives anymore. But also not from the lives of the people who are connected in the process of production. Where do the raw materials come from, under what conditions are they extracted, how are the phones made and not entirely unimportant.. under what circumstances do these people do their jobs and are they paid fairly?

Big companies like Apple, Samsung and the other famous names think mainly of their own profits. This means that everything in the production process must be as cheap as possible, so that more profit can be made on the product and on the backs of the people living in poverty.

In order to make as much profit as possible, it starts with the raw materials. These are extracted from conflict zones at low prices. And you guessed it, the people who mine these resources for your phone have it all but good! And as long as we continue to support these companies like Apple, Samsung and the other well-known names, we also indirectly support the poor living and working conditions for the people in these conflict zones.
In addition to obtaining the raw materials, the phone must also be made. Well, is this well arranged? Here too, these large companies want to make their product as cheaply as possible. That means bad wages and almost always bad living and working conditions. Again, as long as we continue to support those companies like Apple, Samsung and the other well-known names, we indirectly support poor living and working conditions so that we can use our mobile phone. But you would think that because of all these cheap forces, the price for your mobile will also remain low... that is not the case! Take Apple with the iPhone that easily exceeds €1000.

If you want to contribute to this madness, I certainly advise you to stop reading here and make your next purchase with this science. But there is another solution.. The Fairphone!

What's the Fairphone? You know the Fairtrade products. There, people in the production process receive fair wages and generally under good living and working conditions. The Fairphone has these same thoughts. The raw materials come from conflict-free areas and the phones are produced in Fairphone controlled factories. Both in obtaining the raw materials and in producing the people get fair wages and there are good living and working conditions.

Do you have an even more expensive mobile than Apple or Samsung? Absolutely not! But you're a little behind in terms of software. So for the mobile gamers among us who play big and heavy games on their mobile, this could be a problem. But outside the MB eating games, all normal games work just as well as on an Apple or Android phone.
The Fairphone even offers something that you don't have at any other brand. They were the only one who got a 9 for that when it comes to repairable product. Simply put, this mobile is completely modular and you can replace everything, yes really everything yourself without technical knowledge! Screen broken? With an Apple or Samsung, you have lost your phone for a long time, and the repair often costs almost the same as a new phone. With Fairphone, a broken screen is of course also annoying, but a lot easier and cheaper to replace. Order a new screen and when you get it at home, unscrew a few screws (all perfectly indicated, NOTHING can go wrong), click out your broken screen and click your new screen in it. Screws back on and you're done! Camera broken or is there a better camera module available? Same concept. Order and replace. Fairphone is all about #sustainability !

Then one more question... If you can't make your own phone (or even from the manufacturer), let alone something simple like replacing your battery/battery.. is the phone yours?

Questions can always be, myself I have this phone for several months and am very satisfied!

A better world could be in your hand.. LITTERLY!