New research reveals that Asian honey bees use their own stool to prevent attacks, stick animal stool granules into their nests to repel attacks of giant killer hornets.

They do this in to protect their honeycombs from possible attacks by heavily armored hornets, and thus prevent them from ending up with the colony.

According to a study conducted by Wellesley College in the United States, the giant hornets studied belong to the family of โ€œmurderous hornetsโ€.
This seriously alarms North American beekeepers (both in the US and Canada), as bee larvae are taken to feed their own offspring, while bees in Europe and North America have not developed these defenses, making them โ€œeasy preyโ€.

Professor Heather Mattila, leader of the research team, was surprised by the use of feces, because bees have a good reputation for being clean, they have hot, wet, permanent homes, which are a great place for them to grow without disease and be full of babies and food.โ€.
This is an interesting method of protection. It looks like the product of a continuous evolutionary career.
To defend themselves, bees scare away hornets with their own feces.

This surprised the American group of scientists, while these bees are characterized by being particularly clean, to avoid the spread of diseases in hives.

Poop mounds are unbearable for hornets, so they tend to leave them alone. To this day, the team still does not know why these granules find them especially repulsive.