I am rewarding everyone who uses ChatGPT to generate 1000 word-or-more articles with the Advanced Editor. If you follow all the tips and tricks I've included in my past posts, this should be an easy peasy for you. You don't need to write anything yourself. Just make the post look nice and use some nice photos and videos in the advanced editor.

We are trying to generate more valuable content on Yoors and ChatGPT can help us with that.

  1. Read the following articles first:
    10 Must-Have Chrome Extensions to Optimize Your Content Creation Process
    How to Trick ChatGPT into Getting the Answers You Need
    How AI Chatbots Can Make You a Problem-Solving Pro
    How to Use ChatGPT (For Dummies)

  2. Then go to https://chat.openai.com/chat and ask him to make the article for you. It can be about any topic in any language.
  3. If you use ChatGPT correctly using the tips I gave in these articles, I will reward you extra and make you VIP
  4. Follow the instructions available in the checklist
  5. The checklist automatically calculates you if you're missing something
  6. Earn €0,08 per heart you get on your post
  7. You can do this until the budget of €200 is finished
  8. (Optional) Sponsor my booster anytime by clicking the top-up button on this page

Are you ready to join? Click on the button 'Create new post' and let's get started.

[€200] February's Writing Challenge: Write an article using ChatGPT

Comment with a minimum of 20 words.
Monetization is required