#venezuelachallenge The bollitos pelones or bollo pelón is a very popular dish and typical of the Venezuelan table, although it is known since the time of the colony, passion fruit is attributed as their own as well as caracqueños usually do. The recipe is based on a cornmeal dumpling stuffed with ground meat stew or chicken milled, which is cooked in water (some fry it) and then bathed with a succulent homemade tomato sauce.

• 2 cups BREAD flour (white or yellow pre-cooked corn flour)
• 2 ½ cups chicken broth
• 1 tablespoon corn oil
Ground meat stew for filling:
• ½ pound of ground beef (you can replace with ground pork)
• 2 cloves of crushed garlic
• ¼ cup red paprika
• ½ white onion
• 3 strips of finely chopped bacon
• Marinade to taste
• Tomato paste
• 1 can of tomatoes cut into small pieces
• ¼ cup cut green olives (boneless and stuffed with paprika)
• 2 tablespoons capers
½ cup red cooking wine (optional)
• ½ medium onion
• ½ red paprika
• ½ can of tomatoes and 2 tablespoons tomato paste
• 2 crushed garlic
• Salt to taste
Place crushed garlic, paprika, bacon and finely chopped onion in a frying pan with hot oil, then add ground meat, season with marinade. When the meat is already cooked, add the tomatoes, olives, capers, red wine and tomato paste to the ground meat, lower the temperature, cover and let it thicken a little.
To prepare the dough should have the chicken broth ready and warm, then add the flour and spoonful of oil, to give more softness to the dough. Let it stand for about 5 minutes.
Tomato sauce: Blend canned tomatoes, paprika and onion, then place in a pot the tablespoons of tomato paste, salt and garlic. Cook until it thickens.
Make a dumpling (a little bigger than a golf ball) and open a hole in the center, fill it with the ground meat already prepared, close and give it the round shape again. Eliminate excess dough and use a little water to smooth them.
So do it with all the buns until the dough is finished. Place them on a plate until the time of cooking.
Put a deep saucepan to boil with water, carefully add the buns so that they do not break. Let them cook for about 15 minutes and you will see them float once they are ready. Take them out carefully, let drain and stand (so harden a little).