
'What are you always sitting at that clock?.'
“Vaguely, I think I forgot something.'
“Did you take off the gas?'
“I didn't even put on the gas.'
“You don't put gas on either, you do. With a button. On the stove.'
“No, it's not.'
“No? Be sure? It has long been dinner time. So you could have put on at least one pan. Be able to turn on the fire, remove the pan from the pit and if you hadn't turned the knob back, you would have forgotten to turn off the gas.'
My husband looks my way to the left, I can hear him think, do I have to spell it out for you sometimes?
'Ah, well I know again!'
“Do you see?.'
“I forgot to say it's your turn to cook today.'

Photo Mix image via Pixabay
