“From noon, my door will be open!” she wrote a few days ago when we were invited. I look at the bells and fright: for almost three hours!
The party must be in full swing right now, so I'm rushing. I smear mascara on my lips, powder my hands and stick my eyelids.

Something sticks somewhere, something is not quite good, but I can't get my finger on it.
Hup, in the car, up to Marijke.
Just in time, I realize that we are not all allowed to visit our Yoors-mother at all.

Shi*, how to fix this now?
Then just make a digital visit.
When I arrive, it's plenty of party. Fred Reads a Book, She Plays Games With Her Granddaughter.

I look and around the corner and yell: Congratulations Marijke!!

#140w #marijke #congratulations #fineday

The above congratulation very coincidentally consists of exactly 140 words, contains the chopped word chimes, and it is very coincidental too @marijke anniversary. Congratulations dear Marijke!
The YP that delivers this post will be transferred to the year-old as a small gift.

Congratulations in 140 words!