#omdenken #verdriet #ouderenzorg #YoorsCoronaPositiveChallenge

What's positive about the Coronavirus?

I am asked to THINK TO THINK.
The world is upside down. Can Corona really give anything positive to humanity?

Every advantage has a disadvantage and so it is very often the other way around.
But thinking positively about the Coronavirus bothers me, it feels crooked.

There are those who say: “Corona brings out the best in man.”
It is a bit true, we see beautiful things emerge, but how are you supposed to believe in these words as an older man?

Yesterday I saw tears in the eyes of a beautiful lady,
She's already old and her daughter really comes true every day.
I was visiting her when she learned that at least sometime in April this is no longer allowed.

“My daughter should not come to me anymore”, the tremor in her voice painfully touched me in the heart...
I work in the care of the elderly, and that stupid Corona brings a lot of grief here too.

Rethink Angelien, rethink!
You are an activity supervisor and the well-being of the people is one of your most important priorities.
Stay focused, stay positive and don't waste your precious time on negative sounds.

Again the woman said, “My daughter must not come to me. How can I not see her? “
I would have liked to hug her for a moment, hug her for a moment, reassure her, but unfortunately that's not allowed, and I said, “Well, you know... maybe.

Yeah, maybe... if that's what you want, I'll get you a video contact, it's different, but you guys can still swing at each other for a while.
then you can greet each other a little more personally.”
I had taken a proper distance as prescribed, but her hand managed to meet my arm.

She stretched her arm far, rubbed tightly and occasionally gave a little pinch.
or she wanted to say, “I hate what's happening.”
Her eyes looked piercing, her eyebrows were frowned, and she said,
“My daughter is important, she's actually the only one who still colors my day.”

Her words were heartbreaking and I tried to find words to express some hope in these dark times...
I couldn't really comfort her, but I wish with all my heart that a video message may please this lady soon.

I wish it may be something to look forward to, that it may be something to fill that terrible piece of emptiness.
And if, yes maybe so, Corona still knows how to reveal something positive in the care of the elderly...

by: A Voice of Thoughts/Angeliena House www.angelienahuis.nl / info@angelienahuis.nl

Corona teaches me to think...