#innovation Motivated by the deep crisis that the country is going through, many people have had to use imagination to generate ideas and ingenuity to bring that imagination to practice.
They say a lot about the Venezuelan, that he cheerful, supportive, festive and
put forward, these are some of the qualifications that describe it, but
Creativity and ingenuity undoubtedly stand out. It is what the
entrepreneurship of many Venezuelans inside and outside the country, to their
own companies.
This is the case with Ramón Lacrúz from Merida, who refuses to leave the country.
He was in trouble or regrets, but I'm looking for another way to leave
further states that “when ingenuity and creativity come together, there is no one
may, it is a matter of attitude"
In recent years, the shortage of domestic gas in Venezuela has increased, which has highlighted Mr Ramón's ingenuity, he has created ecological kitchens, because he thinks that there are great solutions in the face of major crises and that we cannot complain about, we have to learn sooner
of the negative things.
On the other hand, he points out that the idea of creating ecological kitchens may not be a novelty, because they have already existed before, only this time it is that
adds other elements such as versatility, little space to operate and
Finally, you believe that this can be a motivation for other people who
want to improve themselves, stimulate imagination and become creative, even take advantage
recyclable materials, to turn them into new usable products and that
it can bring income to you and your family.

By: Ayari Aponte.
Unica therapist.

Crisis In Venezuela Awakens Testimony And Creativity