
Losing a child can be considered unnatural. When someone close to them dies but is old, people comfort themselves by thinking that they have lived a good life and know that life is part of the natural process of living. In this case, the duel “easier" to overcome. But this is not so when it comes to the sudden death of a child.

Parents who lose a child do not make sense in this injustice, since the cruel fate lasts so quickly and without notice of the reason of its existence. If you suffer this kind of loss in your family, do not miss out on these tips that can help you and your family. Although you can never really overcome it, you have to learn to live with it.

Stay together like a family.
Your family members can remind you that you are not the only one suffering this pain.

Accept help

Daily tasks are not done by themselves, so if friends or relatives offer to help, do not deny it.

seek professional help

In these situations it is very important to have the help of a good professional.

Stick to the routines, as much as it hurts
If routines need to be changed because the child is gone, then with the rest of the family recognize that the change is needed and change it.

These tips have helped me a lot in my grieving process and my recovery slow.

Dedicated to my daughter Silvana.