The new #verzuiling is also recognizable by the large differences in the importance of political themes between the various electoral blocs. In today's research also a good understanding of electoral competition between the parties.

This graph shows clearly that there are clear differences between the three main groups and, on the other hand, certain differences within each of the main groups, which are characteristic of that particular party.

Immediately it can be seen how Left and Right differ greatly in the importance they put in themes.

On the left, the following themes are most important: Health, Climate, Education, Housing and Labour Market. At Right, these are the themes: Immigration, Care, Multicultural Society, European Union and Combating Crime.

The image at the Middle Right is diffuser. VVD voters put the tax burden first (at the Left it is 12th place). The following topics are at the VVD Health, Immigration, European Union and Climate. In CDA voters, the order is Education, Climate, Care, Housing and European Union.

The order of D66 voters is more similar to that of the Left (especially the GreenLeft).

Differences in priority political issues among voters