#encaustic #tekst #love #sometimes #liefde #schilderij #schildering #bijenwas #strijken Today I like to share my one hobby: Encaustic paintwork merged with my other hobby: writing poems, quote/texts/stories. I like to philosophize, experience the depth of life and deepen it in 'deepening'. In this way I provide many (own) pictures with (own) talk. Usually in the Netherlands but also in English. On my website I also have an English-language “department”. There I try to place English work every week.


If you like to receive new (close) works of mine automatically in your mailbox every day, you can do so.
On my www.emjeeprivee.com , you can sign up with your email. It will be all right.
There are a lot of poems/haikus/own quotes/stories/texts, paintings, jewelry on it.

Not a must, a warm invitation!


For the sake of love/Encaustic and text