#gynaecoloog #hpvvaccinatie #vaccin #vaccinaties #vaccine #baarmoederhalskanker #baarmoederhals #uitstrijkjemaken #hpv

go to the gynecologist here in Belgium, they take a smear, if you want it or not, then you get the results, scare, yes you have two types of bacteria in your cervix that are not supposed to be there, we will examine this further, they take a biopsy, not painful, fast happened, it turned out to be negative... All commerce if you ask me! I visited the gynecologist a number of times more, which most likely likes his portfolio, and the cost of examining the biopsy and smear, I also like to pay for that, because yes, I have pennies too much, to put HPV viruses on traces, which are actually not there at all. The other bacterium is something common in smokers, I smoke... Instead of scaring me that I have cervical cancer, and trying to smear a vaccine, I get an even stronger immune system, and gynecologists can literally kiss my ass;) with this my humble opinion on hpv and the hpv vaccine, my daughter would get it free of charge at school, I kindly thank you! And boys vaccinate them of course also for free?!

~ Gynecologists, smears and the HPV virus and vaccine ~