Onderzoek van Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) toont aan dat deurbelapp Ring informatie van zijn Android-gebruikers zou doorspelen naar adverteerders. Vier marketing- en analysebedrijven zouden onder meer namen, ip-adressen en de gebruikte provider ontvangen. Met deze gegevens zou een uitgebreid gebruikersprofiel kunnen worden gecreëerd en het mogelijk maken om de digitale handel en wandel van klanten te volgen. Ring zou gebruikers vooraf niet om toestemming hebben gevraagd. Sinds 2018 is Ring in handen van Amazon, dat 1 miljard dollar betaalde.

An investigation by EFF of the Ring doorbell app for Android found it to be packed with third-party trackers sending out a plethora of customers’ personally identifiable information (PII). Four main analytics and marketing companies were discovered to be receiving information such as the names, private IP addresses, mobile network carriers, persistent identifiers, and sensor data on the devices of paying customers.

The danger in sending even small bits of information is that analytics and tracking companies are able to combine these bits together to form a unique picture of the user’s device. This cohesive whole represents a fingerprint that follows the user as they interact with other apps and use their device, in essence providing trackers the ability to spy on what a user is doing in their digital lives and when they are doing it. All this takes place without meaningful user notification or consent and, in most cases, no way to mitigate the damage done. Even when this information is not misused and employed for precisely its stated purpose (in most cases marketing), this can lead to a whole host of social ills.


Ring is evil