#history The rise of technology and, above all, the popularization of the Internet, was what brought us around the 90s the concept of Digital Marketing, as we know it today. It is also known as Online Marketing and it became established in 2000 The truth is that for a long time the history of Digital Marketing was marked or could be confused with digital advertising, since it might seem that both disciplines have the same objective of creating that preference and increasing the sales of a certain product, brand or service. As we say, Digital Marketing is not a watertight concept and over time it has embraced new practices and knowledge, although it has never ceased to be somehow linked to online advertising The vertiginous advance of new technologies, platforms and communication channels makes this discipline a sector in constant change and evolution that surprises us every day with new tools, strategies and formulas.

In the current context, most of the techniques used in Digital Marketing focus on offering users experiences and that is why presence on certain social platforms facilitates a very high level of interaction. We could say that we are in an Experiential Marketing phase where brands not only want to be brands, but also want to turn their products and services into 100% real experiences capable of being part of customers' lives, making them users but also prescribers.

History of Digital Marketing

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