Since I am now a bit more at home like many others, I went to take a look at Yoors and immediately I get thrown to death with #YoorsCoronaPositiveChallenge - Yes. First thought: how the hell are you going to come up with something positive about corona??? I think I'm going to read some other messages from this challenge anyway, because I am completely through it. So let's get my heart out: I'm locked up at home, because I'm a risk group (longpatient) and I don't think that's such a problem: cleaning, learning for my exam that will probably be moved to next year, netflixen... I'll have fun! But no unfortunately the government also found it necessary to close the schools while they are running to shout that children pose no danger to the corona virus!!!! (again a reason to doubt the government). So I'm locked up here with three kids whining, making things dirty, ruining things, getting bored and wanting to go back to school... Oh yes, I was recovering from a burnout which for this corona outbreak suddenly went super well... And of course I lost my job. And in the meantime I've already spent half a page listing things that are negative but as I learned from my psychologist, I have to rethink so from something negative to make something positive!!! Besides the fact that the kids are home now and destroy everything, I really like a little company! Because I live in a closed village and I do not intervene as an outsider. And all have breakfast and lunch and take time for everything, because we don't have to go anywhere! And well that job, I didn't like that anyway, I was walking around for a while thinking about resigning but I didn't dare so well. When soon everything is over, I'll just go looking for a nice job! And most of all what I love about this crisis is that people are actually being taken apart, it also brings people closer together. All initiatives to help people and also medical care is heartwarming!
I don't think I'm going to win that 101 euro (even though I can use it very hard now haha), but this challenge makes me think about this crisis. This way you only look at the black side and so you see it all a little less black!

And stay healthy, huh?

How can Corona be positive?