About a year ago we received a (of course) unique offer from our landlord: we could have solar panels installed on our roof with a large discount!
Well, I am often rather stubborn, and just when you make me such a “unique” offer, I do not want to.
Because I always say: if you invest a lot of money in advertising, your product can be cheaper, or rather better, at that price.

In the case of our solar panels, it was already established how many panels needed to be installed, and what they would bring.
Discussion was hardly possible, this was the ideal solution!

Well before we got this offer, I already studied the phenomenon of green electricity.
Power that would be clean, less harmful to the environment,
And what turns out? Green power does not exist.
They are certificates that are distributed to energy companies.
An energy company buys those certificates, and can say that it provides green power.
And you, the consumer pays more, because those certificates have to be earned back.
However, the power from your outlet is the same as that of the neighbors, who pay for gray power.
So we're just being cheated.!

For example, at work we now have electric buses, because that's clean.
True: the buses do not emit exhaust gases, you do not smell them.
But is it really so ideal?
In practice, it boils down to the fact that a huge energy supply had to be built to charge all those buses during the day and night.
When I walk on the draw in the night I feel like I've ended up in Star trek: every bus hangs on a power cable that I can hardly get my hand around.
On the other side of that cable, there's a buzzing cabinet, where the power comes out to charge the batteries on the bus.

The buses do not emit CO2, it is said: they are clean buses.
That CO2, I believe, but the current, huh?. where are the solar panels that generate the power for the buses?
Standing on the roof of the draw? no.
Somewhere else? no.
The power just comes from coal plants somewhere else.
What do you mean clean?

Then we'll take hydrogen anyway?
But making hydrogen takes more energy, and produces more emissions than a coal power plant, I was told by a mechanic from an energy company.
What do you mean clean?

And by the way, those solar panels on our roof, because yes, they came there, with a view to the future.
What are those made of? And how's that process going??
I hope that this process is cleaner than the process used to make the batteries of the clean buses?

Clean energy, I think wind energy, and water energy is fairly “clean”, but the world of energy is, in my opinion, too nasty for words.

#cleanenergy #solarpanels

How clean is clean energy anyway?