Saturday morning 18-04-2020

Since I can really enjoy the rising sun and the peace, which you get automatically, I got out of bed this Saturday morning.
Some petrol put in the canister and arrived in the port, read the announcements about the #Corona virus
No reports that I should not go sailing, so that's good news, at half past seven in the morning 😄
Boat started and wonderfully “glide” over the water on the way to the #Biesbosch - Yes. Looking for the #Bever But before I had photographed anything of a Beaver or something solid I was grabbed by the beautiful #zonsopkomt - Yes.
Quickly find a place where there are no high-voltage masts or other disturbing “things”.

A round of sailed through the #Aakvlaai , but no sign of the Beaver to be confessing. Will I be late and are they already sleeping in their castle?
With that thought I picked out a nice spot, in the sun and out of the wind.
Time for a bakske.
While I'm pouring my cup of tea, suddenly a “wig” appears on the water 😆
Hey, still a beaver. I stop doing everything I was doing and grab my camera. Luckily it not only swims away from me, but also lets me watch it from the side.
I follow him from a very appropriate distance for a while, until he disappears underwater and I don't see him again.
Time for my, now cold, cup of Tea and a breakfast.

A little later, I think I'll see another beaver.
No, not, far too small.
It turns out a #Muskusrat to be. A little creature that turns out to be a plague, but I really rarely see them until never.

There are also a lot of “standard” animals including the black crow and the blue heron.
Around 11 o'clock I sailed back to the port where I arrived just AFTER the rain, with a wet suit.

This was again morning #genieten - Yes. I'm looking forward to next week.

Jos! Jos

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