#gedicht #eenzaamheid #contact #aanraking #behoefte #gevoel #gevoelens #enzaamheid #contactwezen #contactwezens #ontbinding #corona #crisis #maatregelen #afstand By nature I am an optimist, my glass is at least three-quarters full.
Which does NOT mean that I am 'blind' to what and those who have to do it with a 'quarter'.
In these stressful times it is also very difficult for many to do without human and desirable contact. Touching is not only something many 'want', but also what NEED our physical 'being'!
The fact that there can be no choice, no alignment is perhaps something that doubles and makes it all true.

For all those who frolic with this, and loving warm, albeit the digital hug. If necessary, I have a big heart, I am an active listact. A PB is always allowed when needed. I can't touch you, maybe touch you and see you in your heaviness.

Knuff MJ

If you like to receive new (close) works of mine automatically in your mailbox every day, you can do so.
On my page www.emjeeprivee.com , you can sign up with your email. It will be all right.
There are a lot of poems/haikus/own quotes/stories/texts, paintings, jewelry on it.

Not a must, a warm invitation!


In the hidden pain of loneliness/Poem.