“You forgot “good”.'
“No, conscious action.'
“You mean you can't have bad intentions, and therefore unnecessary to name it?'
“No, that's not what I mean. What is labeled as good for one person doesn't have to be like that for the other. So, both bad and good and dead normal intentions.'
“And what are yours, or don't you want to hang this on the big clock because you think it might work against you differently?'
'No, another wrong interpretation. I would like to say what I intend to do. I leave that hiding game to others. In the unlikely event that it moves the other way, it just had to be.'
“And? Tell! What do you intend to do?'
'Work further on project three; organize design contests for the fun and above all continue to produce nonsense.'


Image by Simone Holland via Pixabay
