
As I sat down listening to this song it really made me realize that really -perfection is the disease of a nation. It can be man nation,woman nation,or just human nation. That's how famous quotes like "fake it till you make it" comes about.
Well okay before we start pointing fingers,why is it that people yearn for this perfection?
Take a quick preview with me;
Mary can't come out of the house less perfect- her shoes,makeup,clothes are to be on point;the latest designer if possible (perfect look)
Mary wants the perfect grade,she won't take a A- for a grade
Mary wants the perfect career(you know the oooooooh!careers and the oh! careers),perfect husband,perfect kids-bright of course
Okay not that any of what Mary wants is bad not at all but I am talking about going to the extremes as far as surgery woooow!
Well am not judging because they have their own reasons and if it makes one happy why not?
But my big question is why go through all that struggle when you still can be happy with a less perfect- life?
At one point I wanted that perfect look(well honestly I came to realize much much later that there is no perfect anything it's just a subjective term). I had a "thing" for this boy way back in high school. So I would always be neat,hair done,that girlish accent and just look good.
Well one may say I had acceptance issues or had self-esteem issues. Well no lie I felt inadequate somehow. You will have to agree that sometimes these types of feelings may push you to want perfection in order to gain approval that otherwise you would have never gained when being less perfect.
Back to that crush,well he never noticed me at the end and I just have have to live my life.
You should try it too. It's fun because at the end of the day everyone has their own flaws to worry about and you being "perfect" just makes you intimidating.
One may get noticed or not at all like me but being you also helps because the world will always find a way of accommodating you.

Perfection is the disease of a nation