I wrote a piece for someone once and I rewrote it.

I ask s.v.p. 4 minutes of your precious time to read, feel, and maybe share it after reading.

Why did I offer to write about this? Because many of us who read along may experience the same thing or experience. Being able to find recognition in it and get power out of it. It may be a long stretch, but take the effort and time to read it quietly.

And because the holidays are coming and to give these people a heart to the belt too.

Let us make this “journey” special together, perhaps by COMMENTING and/or SHARING it on your LinkedIn.

SHE lies on a bed because moving can no longer. She has ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

Unable to make any more choices, because her body demands this energy. Energy that isn't there anymore.

The annoying thing about the story is that she's been in a bed for 3 years, which is a familiar place for her. No more being able to hear or see light and noises. Biting herself, yes of course she will have.

Every time her family sends a signal that they are there, it gives her that sparkle of energy to open the eyes again, because she has strong special thoughts of the past. Back then, when she was strong in her strength, with her children, partner, family, colleagues and friends.

Powerful strokes made them then.

Unfortunately misunderstood by the environment, fought like a lioness, she has now left the choice there and accepted how the situation is.

Something that gives her that freedom back, to move where she can again:

- May hear the birds whistle.

- Can feel the wind passing her body again.

- Standing in places where it was impossible first.

- Enjoy the sounds of music that stands up.

- Dancing to a picture where the feeling is so good.

- Being able to breathe outside air, which is necessary to breathe freely.

- Create movements that deliver energy.

- Being where misunderstanding is far away.

- Where there is no pain and softness is felt.

- Be able to touch and meet people again.

Your thought, I AM A SPECIAL PERSON:

Air. air. to breathe.

Air is freedom and freedom represents room to move.

How nice that feeling can be, free to move, rotate, turn into life, as freedom should be.

Feel free to spread your arms, breathe and feel what freedom is. Feel how pure oxygen can be, you absorb more and breathe much better.

Processing your tears from yesterday, which may come today and may be relive tomorrow.

Processing, sweating the hard work in loss, profit, joy or sadness, everything to experience/experience what you are worth.

Oxygen, how pure it is? Breathe vigorously, very deep and one step closer to believing in yourself and who you are allowed to be.

How we move on this earth is quite a bit expected of us! Oei the word “expect” again, but one with a heavy load. Survive, breathe oxygen, and try to complete your tasks/desires of life.

Raising children, living with pets, being with people, letting go, attracting, working to make a living, trying to maintain your health and create your own happiness.

The bar is high today. An Assumption of Our Society. There's quite a lot expected of us.

It's about looks, health, luxury, sportsmanship, money, power, knowledge and being able to move and think with others.

But is it not that fun, your own thoughts, your fulfillment, fulfillment of your own wishes, and exercise in the way that suits you best, will deliver the most? Taking care of yourself is also making sure you don't fall short of breath.

“Rushing rush is rarely good”: so beautiful and special to pronounce. Make your own choices, breathe oxygen with the peace you need. Walking, where walking is meant for and not running. Everyone has their level of action and breathing, but take the oxygen in such a way that you don't run by yourself.

Sometimes it's not being able to, want or do. The base is your safe cottage. The warmth, the trust and the right being yourself. The comfort zone you're in at that time, what you want to engage and have. The cottage, your safe place, where you feel and have security.

It's not about the star that is visible or what's palpable. It's about showing what you want to see, being fully in your power at the time.

Each light knows its own power. Be your own switch from that light and control it so that it always goes “on and off”, gives light the way you want it, big and then small or even not at all. It starts with yourself, your own beam of light shines in every direction you want to go and where you want to give light.

Energy of abundance, if you are in such a phase, you can “almost” handle everything. Even if you have some negative energy around you, you can turn it around by shining in the sky like “that asterisk”.

Friendships, but also memories are very special. The Thoughts of People Who Are Gone.

Family/friends around you who are worth gold. People who give you energy, give you the opportunity to grow, make mistakes and then pick you up again and take you to that height to shine again.

Nothing is better than being able to shine and bring people into this special energy, so they may also be a star for others and for you.

Make it a special THOUGHT and take the people in your heart and feel, so you can rise to a special height, where you can all shine together.

Do you share this thought?

Write s.v.p. you/your thought and be free in this.

Share = geef ook om hen

Like = mee eens en steun hen

Greetings, Mitch Peters

Ps. Feel free to invite me as a contact/follower (I'm going to surprise you with motivational insights and special videos)

#letsconnect #MS #giveforothers #collaborative
