Suddenly nothing is certain and fate strikes every now and then.
Suddenly it's not the right word because we had seen it coming only we didn't believe that this could happen here too.
I can still hear myself say, “Hey, boy, that's as far away as it is here, you can always worry about it” but it came faster than I thought.
Fortunately, we live in the far north and have less to do with it than at the bottom of the Netherlands.
And yet there is also a kind of peace that I recognize from childhood when everything was much less hunted than now.
I am now 46 years old and yet only now I notice what peace we had and what our children are missing today.
Everything needs to be done quickly you get an assignment that they prefer yesterday can not of course but when I write this I think what a pressure normally lies on those children.
Our daughter a crowded maker and panic maker first class is now totally zen and that's because she can finally do it at her own pace, she only does things a little slower than usual and that works perfectly for her.
our son misses the gym very much and both miss their friends very much and in that respect it would be nice if they could just go there again.
But what has become clear is that just really is not normal at all and that you should not take everything for granted. I also think that I am not the only one here.
What I really like is the togetherness of this time and then I wonder at the same time this remains the same after corona?
I notice to myself that I take more time for things, like now I go to my mother twice a week and I shower her that is nice for her because she has much more time and can take it easy and the care has half an hour that they can spend with another.
But in my head immediately comes the question when it comes back to normal have/do I take that time also or do I feel as chased as for the corona again and it feels like a load to take those 2 times the time for showering and attention?
Hunted is the right feeling when I talk about for corona because if you are in the store near the checkout and you prefer to put your stuff in the bag you do not do it because there is someone who is breathing in the back of your neck because you do not hurry (that's how I feel), that is not now because there is is a cart in between and when people are already doing shopping, they often have no other things to do, which makes them in a hurry.
Now it has to be said that when I do shopping I take the time for it even without the measures of now, I always say if you don't have time you don't have to do shopping because that always takes longer than you have pledged.
But as I wondered before, would the togetherness remain now or will everyone continue where he/she left off?
How do you think about this would you continue where it stopped or are you trying to hold (partly) what you are doing now?
There are of course people where so far not much has changed this says my husband also who just goes to work every day and notices little of what is happening around him but people like me sitting at home for whatever reason you are changing you think it's just a Very little bit? Did you look at things differently like I just said of the peace I'm experiencing?

I also notice that I enjoy the walks with the dog, the smell of the outside air and the mowed grass or like here the sea and when I go for a walk in the morning I enjoy the silence and the singing and chirping of the birds.
I thought I was doing this a long time ago, but now I notice that I'm doing it even more, and it feels good.

But every now and then I get the fear of what might come, the question would I get sick and what happens to me?
And when I feel that fear I feel what Moon sings “She cries but she laughs”

But anyway we will have to do it with the rules that are there now even though they are not always easy, look at what you do not have in stuff but love the beautiful people around you Nature enjoys all the little things then I hope this is over soon!

strength for all sick and family, strength for people who have had to say goodbye to family and friends.
But I also wish the nursing on the IC a lot of strength with the processing of everything they are experiencing now because that is hard and that is not immediately over after this crisis.
And I thank all those who keep it going because that's much more than just care.

Despite everything ENJOY everything there is!

I wish you all a nice afternoon and evening 😘 #geniet

living in a time of uncertainty