People ask: what does happiness mean in your opinion. I said cottage, little tree and little beesje. I think it's important that a man has everything in a row and has a sweet character. In addition, I like that a man is funny and can make me laugh. I found that man. He came from Rotterdam and I myself from Wageningen. Actually, we came from two different worlds.

I'm used to living in a village, and he's a city man. I'm more straight to the point and he's more reluctant. I like tight planning and he's a person who doesn't keep his appointments. He likes to go to work night, and I'm a morning person. You ask yourself: is that going together? Isn't that going to collide at some point. To these questions I now answer YES!! but first I said NO! because I thought that we could complement each other and, of course, we could comminise with each other on this.

We all went to do nice things, including bowling and having dinner together. He gives me nice presents like perfume and chocolate. What else does a woman want? You have a man who loves you and cares about you. After he asked for my hand. In Islam it is important that the husband with his parents or his family ask the wife's family permission to marry her. We had nice conversations. Then we decided to get married on Sunday 21 January. We celebrated our wedding with family and friends. In short, a nice wedding not to forget. We went on our honeymoon to sharm el sheikh egypt. It was a nice honeymoon until.... Story is being prosecuted.
#wedding #separation #love #love #husband #man #wedding

My happiness