Already almost a year ago created an account on Yoors and actually all this time been too afraid to post anything. Now I decided to introduce myself and do my story a bit.

I'm Robin, a girl now 23 years old. July 2017 graduated from the horse husbandry program. Started in 2013 at level 4 but due to 2 accidents unfortunately had to finish it at level 3.

What do you mean my body is broken? Here comes an enumeration:

October 7, 2014 - severe concussion that causes me to have concentration problems and memory problems.
February 17, 2015 - fell from a horse and broken my pubic bone (pelvis) in half. 2 days walking with this without pain, until my mother said I was still walking like a crippled duck and I decided to go to the doctor.
November 25, 2015 - heavily bruised ribs. Strange story: horse kicked my thigh and I fell with my ribs on a wooden beam on the floor, results were 2 beautiful blue hoof prints, ribs bruised and a swollen liver.
June 24, 2016 - broken spine after fall of horse (stop horses maybe an idea?) Fortunately, no paralysis because my back was “good” broken. However, the fall did cause a dent in another vertebra, making a future in the horses no longer possible (bye dream job).

Now you'd think, why didn't you quit your education? This is because I was in my senior year and I would have wasted four years and I wouldn't have a diploma yet. Waste of my time so I decided to finish the training one level lower, I couldn't do anything with horses anyway so why make extra effort.

Now since September last year I started training Doctor Assistant because yes, my back is broken so I had to filter what I could and could not do. Then there was a doctor's assistant left. Still it is a very nice education and I hope (fingers crossed) that thanks to this training I can find a new dream job.

Thank you for reading my first blog! Let us know what you thought and what you would like to know from me!

Ask questions is always allowed!

Toodedelss 👋🏼 #dagelijksleven
