We all have had our deals in the kitchen. Whether it was cooking and failing a recipe hard. Or make a damn mess in there, slipping over the same liquid and falling on our ass.

My biggest kitchen fail is a rather unfortunate one. Back then I was living with my roommate, and she had her boyfriend over. I put in some leftover pizza in the microwave and just left it unattended for 30 seconds.

To my surprise I heard the smoke alarm beep and the noise was super loud also. My pizza was smoking a cigarette, I thought! Nope, that shit was burning. My heart started beating so fast, because I did not know how to turn it off. And back then my dumb ass thought that the smoke alarm was directly connected to the fire department.

I was paralysed and standing there like a statue.

So here I was thinking that the firemen were going to come to put out some imaginary fire, my roommate and her boyfriend came to my rescue and tried to get rid of the smoke. The fire alarm finally stopped beeping.

I panicked and I asked them: Do I have to apologise to the the firemen outside because it was false alarm?

They laughed at me and assured me there's no firemen coming and told me that the only one I should be apologising to is my pizza.

What was your biggest fail in the kitchen?

#qa #funny

What is your biggest kitchen fail?

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