Review: Confident speech by Gijs Nillessen and Jonas van der Vlugt
When you see the beautiful cover of Confident Speak by Gijs Nillessen and Jonas van der Vlugt, you want to know what superpowers you can get thanks to this book. The title makes you curious, you want to know how you can start speaking confidently yourself. The subtitle makes you frown, you can hardly believe that so few steps are needed to learn to speak confidently. The book is not only beautifully designed on the outside, the book is also very nicely designed on the inside. The drawings in the book complete the book.
In Confident Speak by Gijs Nillessen and Jonas van der Vlugt, the authors explain how to speak confidently in four steps, that's really true and it works, how to give a perfect presentation. Here and there, they reminisce about their own experiences and explain a few things. For those who think you are there with just reading this book, they will be disappointed, as the authors also regularly put readers to work. In this book, you can not only read the theoretical part of the steps, but you will also answer questions and have a number of assignments to do.