#education #writing
Education has given existence to many nations. Only after the Renaissance did Europe move towards development. Indians could only question the evils of sati and caste system, when the reformers were in touch with the ideas of the Western world. Even as we awaken the ideas of freedom, equality and fraternity from the American and French revolutions, our freedom movement gained momentum. Although we could successfully overthrow the British, their education system was adopted without question. Every society needs to improve systems to meet certain specific requirements. However, the colonial education system has left much to be desired.

Education is a holistic process not only for personal development but also for the prosperous development of society and the nation. It is the foundation of the development of any nation. Educated youth have the ability to think beyond their stable lives and contribute to the development of their societies. Education arms individuals with knowledge of their rights and duties. It is informed citizenship that forms the basis of the development of any society. Although the share in GDP may not reflect this reality, we have been primarily an agricultural economy.

India still lives in its villages. The seeds of education should reach the villages. There is still a long distance to cover 'Adult Education Program' and 'National Rural Education Program'. By opening more primary schools in villages, we can not only curb the problem of migration by creating novel opportunities in the village but also educate farmers on the knowledge of the right seeds and fertilizers. This can lead to better yields and again the import of wheat and other essential commodities. This is about the always essay writer who can help you with your work.

The quality of education needs better monitoring in both rural and urban India. The problems of teacher absenteeism in the villages deserve better scrutiny and punitive pleasure to ensure that children can reap substantial benefits from time spent in school compounds. Awareness programs for girl child education should be conducted with greater enthusiasm and vigor. Along with driving, self-reliance education provides awareness. This awareness of rights makes me responsible citizens and responsible citizens can demand responsible and accountable governance.

Education in the field of IT has opened up a galaxy of opportunities in the revolution of software, call centres and BPOs in urban India. Against this backdrop, the service sector is proving to be an important contributor to the growth of the economy. This knowledge centre has attracted large investments from many countries. The government's emphasis on technical education also highlights the commitment to enhance excellence in the areas of research and manufacturing.

Education plays an important role in a democratic system where an educated voter can make an informed choice. The voice of the ballot is translated through the levels of governance to the fate of the electorate. The policies that follow the course of development of the society are derived from the representatives of the people. Roads, ports, telecom, irrigation, industry, agriculture all demand simultaneous attention to full and inclusive growth. Policies targeted in all these areas should unite for a balanced development.JP or souls take refuge in education, there is no limit to the desire for development. The above lines of Ses Ulysses, highlight the thirst of the mind for those who are keen to learn. Education is not a destination, but a journey to be nurtured. It is a rich path not only in the lives of individuals but also in charting the history of nations and building a strong foundation for development.

In a developing society like ours, where an entire generation stands at the crossroads of traditional values ​​and Western education, it becomes necessary to define the parameters of education. For a traditionally prosperous country like ours, the roots of education can be traced to the compilation of the Vedas. The British put forward the cause of education in India. Although he undertook English language studies to meet his administrative requirements; It opened up a new world for Indians. It gave us an opportunity to question our beliefs, our customs and our knowledge, and with that question, a sense of education was also awakened.

Role of Education in Development Essay for Students and Children in English