Chris Slappendel... is my Sandocan!

Not so crazy long ago, your heart was elusive deeply touched.
It changed you for life, it made you a warrior.
Sandocan, Tiger's lawyer, that's what I call you now.
More attention to 'forgotten' life is eternal fame for you.

A warrior for wildlife, yes... a warrior for nature.
You brave warrior, now walk 2400 hours!
2,000 km and that in 100 days.
Feet by foot, you run a “lonely “battle.

Who's looking back, who's really watching with you?
1 in 2 turtles is threatened and you cry out from all your might: “NO”!
You say: “People look carefully, something terrible is going on”.
You talk about the rhinoceros, the tiger and that oh so beautiful elephant.

A threat to one in four mammals, unimaginable,
It's just sad with our nature.
Since 2012, you, Sandocan have already told many people this.
Your trip in 2013, was allowed to last 185 days.
Confronted and moved to tears, you went through those hours tossing.

Over 4,000 hours, with a lot of hope to see wild life,
But what you shared with us afterwards caused many a man to mourn.
You crossed many countries, very consciously and at risk to your own lives,
But where once the tiger ruled, man has now halted.

Rainforests heavily destroyed, palm oil is the reason for this.
Poaching and corruption up to and including, is man never satisfied?
The desire for money and the pursuit of power,
has brought a lot of harm to our nature, with all its beauty!

Your misse: attention and support for a better life,
to return what was once so brutally stolen.
You don't let wildlife die out like that, you know what you stand for.
You, Chris Slappendel, are truly true, a warring lawyer for the rest of your life!

by: a Voice of Thoughts/Angeliena House /

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SANDOCAN, Tiger's lawyer...