When we are in Iceland, we regularly try to cook ourselves, but because my kitchen princess also has a vacation, and sometimes we are just lazy, we sometimes look for a restaurant. We usually drive into a village, and then we see. 

However, when we were in Hella, I decided to check Uncle Google. And there I found; Hekla street food.
A five star tent, with heartfelt reviews. I wanted to see that, and especially taste it!

You can find Hekla street food in the center of Hella (South Iceland), next to the Bonús, a famous Icelandic store, in the parking lot.

The food truck is open until 20:00.
They sell: hamburgers, chicken burgers, fish and chips (with fresh fish!), and a vega burger.
In the little trick you will find father, mother and son.

We ordered a chicken burger with fries. I have rarely seen my order being prepared with such care and love! It goes “petta rettast” (Icelandic slow down), so you have to wait a while for your order.

The staff is extremely friendly, and when you try to speak a few words of Icelandic you will be rewarded with a heartwarming laugh.

And how was the food? Extremely cared. A greaseproof paper protects the paper box, the chicken burger packed extra to keep warm. And it was super good!
I just forgot to take a picture of our food with my dull head. Then from the food truck.

Are you in the area? Visit that truck!
You can pay (like anywhere in Iceland) by debit card and credit card.

#servicereview   #IJsland   #Heklafoodtruck   #streetfood   #fiftyshadesofgreen

Street food with love.