More than 20 years ago, I started the Pabo with my sister.
Super cozy!
Of course, internship was part of that. Also with the preschoolers. I loved it, in fact, I loved it.
The birth of a kindergarten teacher was already born in the MBO training I had followed before. That's why I went to the Pabo (the Klos) no longer existed.
We were commissioned to make a picture book...
But then, what do you have to talk about? What kind of character are you gonna use?

I started drawing and sketching a little bit, and this is how a bunny was born: Tim
and then also an elephant: Tom
And I decided it was about friendship and how you can help each other.
Slowly but surely the story took shape...
Tim's friends can make music, and that's what Tim wants.

The idea of: “Tim seeks an instrument” was born...
The story got even more shape and I made the illustrations myself.
Because that was the assignment.

Making it yourself, the story, the illustrations.
And yes, I did it...
4 years later I had my PABO degree and I was allowed to continue working at the school where I had completed my graduation internship.
I became a kindergarten teacher.
With a lot of fun and also I read “tim searches an instrument” for.
Every year, including the song...

But after so much use and also children's hands touching the book, it became a bit dirty..
Two years ago, I decided to give the book a new look.
I started drawing it again, I changed the text a bit (after 25 years it could all be a bit more modern) and I started looking for a publisher.
But that wasn't so easy.
They're critical, but so was I.

In the end, I dealt with it differently.
I decided to take it all into my own hands.
I've become the publisher myself, I've been looking for a printer myself and everything...
For example, “Tim seeks an instrument” was born again with as author/illustrator/publisher: Astrid Reijman

The book is located in a number of bookshops in Doorn, Etten-Leur, Naaldwijk, Delft and Maassluis

But you can order a personally signed copy from me.
Like the second book: Tim on the train

This book is rhyme, with song and it's a very simple song. The kids sing it like that.

Want to know more?
ask your question or send me a message

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The birth of a picture book