My challenge to write positive about Corona is over
and that's a good thing, because it's getting heavier for a lot of people and yes, for me too.

The power seems to be gone, sucked out? Too much given?
No, I don't think it is, but it takes me more effort to live positively.

Do you miss your freedom, or do you miss the people around you?
No, that's still a thing, but after my illness, I'm already quite a lot of “alone. “

Do you miss your vacations and, for example, having dinner spontaneously?
No, it's not, it's a pity, but without it, I'm gonna stand.

Yes, what is it, Angelien, then try to describe it yourself...
Well, if I'm perfectly honest, my heart cries because the residents have to stay without family.

No matter how hard we're running, no matter how much we make up.
It's never enough, the pain of emptiness cuts right through everything.
That, yes, that makes me restless, 'my' residents feel alone.

It's a place that we as caregivers can never touch on.
a blood band is like a triple cord.
She is unbreakably strongly intertwined with love and we do not achieve that in the workplace.

My strength seems to be disappearing,
The grief of the wrinkled faces makes me more than I could ever have imagined.
It's so hard, but I have to accept that I can only donate within my own funds.

It takes a lot of energy, but I need to strengthen my heart.
Yes, Angelien! I have to keep working positively.

Good, I go on!
In Groningen they say: “The head for it again!”

by: a Voice of Thoughts /

Read also my other poems regarding Corona in the care of the elderly:

Poem number 1... following the message: “No more visit in nursing homes”
Poem number 2... n.a.v. the message: “Children sign for the elderly”
Poem number 3... n.a.v. the message: “Coronacrisis shows that work can also be done differently”
Poem number 4... n.a.v. the message: “If your first name is suddenly world news”
Poem number 5... n.a.v. the message: “Cuddling is missed”
Poem number 6... n.a.v. the message: “Massly digital”
Poem number 7... n.a.v. a dream: “Welfare TV”
Poem number 8... n.a.v. lack of family: “The toll of Corona” #ouderenzorg #zorg #corona #welzijn #verdriet #eenzaamheid #onmacht #keuzes #omdenken #leven #ouderen

The Toll Of Corona