#mening   #research   #thesis   #graduation   #lastdrops

Now, just under two months ago, I finally started my graduation trajectory for my HBO Pedagogy course. I like to challenge myself and so do my graduation. I chose to write my final thesis with the topic “Living loss due to divorce”. 

One living loss is actually chronic mourning , or also loss that never passes because one is always reminded of what could have been what could have been. In a #separation is that the happy life with the partner you are separated from. 

For #kids is it even more complicated, what if they are not allowed to see one of the parents from the other parent due to a divorce? They will spend their lives wondering if it is their fault, whether they are unwanted or otherwise. Suffer loss on birthdays and other special events because they have to miss the other parent. A tough task. 

I'm writing my thesis about that. However, there is a but. Not much literature is known in this area yet. That's why I'm looking to recognize a situation where this living loss is at play? Would you have your #mening want to share this with me? The case or something else? 

With my research, I hope to be able to get more attention on this topic as well. So thank you if you would contribute.         

Thesis Writing