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Bérénice. Bérénice. Bérénice. Whether it’s bold, italic or strikethrough I’ll never come to like my name. It’s one of those things that you’ve repeated so many times in your life, it just doesn’t sound nice anymore. I like overthinking silly things and details are more important than the big concept itself. I guess you could call me a bit of a control freak and a perfectionist. I’m obsessed with ‘artsy’ things, photography in particular. I love an overly contrasted picture or something that brings you peace with such odd colors. I love writing about the things people think about daily but often can’t put into words, I like simplicity in life. I’m a dreamer with the biggest hopes but my realistic mind brings all of them down. I’m a very messy person but when one mess is not in the right place I’ll become a perfectionist. I live in a fantasy of a six year old but I feel like I’m dealing with the life of a 25 year old. I’m empathic but I don’t want to hear about other people’s problems. I’m sarcastic, I laugh with things I shouldn’t laugh with and joke around all the time but don’t think I’m someone who can’t hold a serious conversation cause you’d be surprised by my opinions and arguments in a debate. I’m an optimistic person and I see the good in every thing and every one but at the end of the day I’ll wonder about every bad thing that has ever happened to anyone. My personality contradicts itself on a daily basis which is why my mind is always a chaos and why I crave structure. It’s why I’m always confused but if I may say so myself: it’s the reason for all the interesting and fascinating thoughts in my head. - Bé