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​Tenui (born 24 January 1997) is a singer-songwriter and musician. He was born in Deventer, Holland and moved to Bali Indonesia at the age of 4 where he was raised. After studying at a British international School in Bali until his 14th, he moved back to Holland to study and pursue a career in music. Tenui was born with a passion for music, watching music movies and concerts at a young age, listening to and enjoying a wide range of music , singing along and drumming on anything he could find, he was destined to become a musician. Living in Indonesia he grew up speaking 3 languages (English, Dutch and Indonesian) and spent his time studying, surfing, doing all different kinds of sports and of course singing, learning to play guitar and drums. At the age of 14 he was certain he wanted to follow his dreams, there for moving back to Holland where he could pursue a career and attend a collage where he could study music. Back in Holland at his 15th he decided to as well as studying music at collage , follow an intensive 1 year study to become an certified producer and audio engineer. Being one of the youngest certified producers and engineers at age 16. Tenui is now performing as much as he can and fighting his way to the top, following his dreams and never giving up. He is currently performing at festivals and has also been selected for TOP TSG 2016.