Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialized form of therapy designed to address issues related to the vestibular system, which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation. In Calgary, Motion Focus & Sports Clinic offers comprehensive Vestibular Rehabilitation Calgary services tailored to individuals experiencing vestibular dysfunction.

Understanding Vestibular Rehabilitation

The vestibular system, located in the inner ear, helps control balance and eye movements. Vestibular dysfunction can result from various factors, including injury, infection, or age-related changes, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance. Vestibular rehabilitation aims to alleviate these symptoms and improve overall function by targeting the underlying causes of dysfunction.

The Role of Vestibular Rehabilitation in Calgary

At Motion Focus & Sports Clinic, our team of experienced therapists specializes in vestibular rehabilitation, providing individualized treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs. Through a combination of exercises, manual techniques, and education, we help patients regain their balance, reduce dizziness, and improve their quality of life.

Key Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation

Balance Improvement: Vestibular Rehabilitation Calgary exercises are designed to strengthen the vestibular system and improve balance control, reducing the risk of falls and enhancing mobility.

Symptom Management: By addressing underlying vestibular dysfunction, vestibular rehabilitation can effectively reduce symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and nausea, allowing patients to resume daily activities with greater confidence.

Functional Restoration: Vestibular rehabilitation focuses on restoring functional abilities affected by vestibular dysfunction, such as walking, standing, and performing daily tasks, enabling patients to regain independence and quality of life.

The Motion Focus & Sports Clinic Approach

At Motion Focus & Sports Clinic, we take a holistic approach to vestibular rehabilitation, addressing not only the physical aspects of vestibular dysfunction but also the emotional and psychological impact it may have on patients. Our team works closely with each individual to develop personalized treatment plans that target their specific symptoms and goals.


Vestibular Rehabilitation Calgary estibular rehabilitation is a highly effective therapy for individuals experiencing vestibular dysfunction, helping them regain balance, reduce symptoms, and improve overall function. In Calgary, Motion Focus & Sports Clinic offers specialized vestibular rehabilitation services delivered by experienced therapists dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal outcomes and reclaim their quality of life.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Calgary: Restoring Balance and Function