#corona #who #agenda2020 #draconicmeasures #virus #emergencylaw #pressconference #kleuters #coronaviruslockdown


Saturday I cycled around and saw abandoned football fields, busy hiking and cycling paths, quiet hockey fields, a full gym, empty terraces and 20 people waiting for the fish stall on the market. And felt sad, anxious and tried to understand.
I swim my laps in the morning in an indoor pool full of mostly 50 people over, my 18 son is not allowed to work outdoors with his team (not even taking into account the 1.5 meter measure). The Efteling is open, we can go to the Ikea and Hornbach, but in the open air a cup of coffee or glass of wine on a terrace is not allowed.

I saw people on a bike in nature with a mouthcap. And I don't understand.
People who are indignant that the king goes to his holiday home in yellow area, while the holiday parks in the Netherlands are packed. Everyone is free to book and enjoy a flight to the Greek mainland. Speaking of example function.

I read in the newspaper that it was too busy in the cities, on the beach and in the woods, and that it is our fault that our beaches and nature reserves are closed, because too many people are going to get some air.

I feel depression coming up and I consult the site of the GGZ: 'Do not stay at home all day, meet with people and engage in activities'. Good tip! And I think, go to the furniture promenade next weekend?


On Tuesday evening I listen very well to the press conference and think: we are being spoken as toddlers; we have to stay home as much as possible and if we behave properly we can go outside again.. We're not supposed to be looking for the boundaries. But if you talk to people like toddlers, they're gonna act like it, I guess.

The Cabinet announces measures to “blow the hammer” the virus, but I only hear them firing blanks; measures without any justification, no clear purpose, no idea what measure will have what effect. But with the only certainty that if they don't work it's because of our behavior. Measures so disruptive in the lives of so many people.

I see the bad news printed in chocolate letters coming by and looking for the fine print, because there are the bright spots. And I understand that fear creates support for the measures. Fear is the cork on which news floats.

And I find it fascinating and frightening that within 8 months a part of the Dutch population is almost begging for a lockdown. And try to understand.
What is the purpose of the measures? Prevent as many deaths as possible? Number of infestations back to zero? immortality? Unburden the care?


Yes, the care! Care squeaks and creaks. Regular care is scaled, read and hear. And I'm trying to understand what regular care is right now. And what then is corona-care? And how does this care differ from each other?

In the spring the whole of the Netherlands was in turmoil because possible 'inhuman' choices had to be made in hospitals by corona. And I thought: for my father there was no IC bed free in 2009 and he had to be transferred to Antwerp to eventually die there and my mother was not treated further in the ICU in 2016 because she was dementia. These types of choices have been made for years in Dutch hospitals. And we didn't find until 8 months ago that these choices were often meant to prevent inhuman suffering? We as Dutch people were proud of that? And I don't understand why human choices have suddenly become inhuman? Why is it all about quantity and not about quality?

Yes, indeed, there seems to be a major crisis going on in care. And corona now seems to be exposing that crisis. And I'm trying to understand how the downgrading of the event industry, the catering industry, the entire amateur sport and all kinds of other industries helps to solve the crisis in healthcare. We relieve the care, but we don't solve the care problem anyway? Isn't that why we're putting the other sectors into trouble?


Corona has a mortality rate of 0.02% for people under 70 years of age I read somewhere. For risk groups, the probability of death is higher. And I think, yes, otherwise it wouldn't be a risk group. I understand that if you fall into the risk group, you're more likely to get corona. Also with a higher risk of dying. But that also applies to all kinds of other diseases, ailments and defects.

And I think: life is a risky occupation with a certain and the same outcome for everyone. And the older you are, the more risky is life and the more likely you will die soon. I read that since the 1970s the Dutchman aged 10 years on average. Longer life means you have more healthy years, but also more years with a higher risk of ailments, defects and diseases. This also means that the group of people who are more susceptible to viruses and other diseases is growing.

And I think of the young. Young people whose life has come to a complete standstill. Young people who do not have the space and freedom they need for their development. Young people who are blamed for the second wave. Young people for whom this virus is not dangerous. Are there really grandmothers and grandmothers in the Netherlands asking for this sacrifice from their grandchildren?


Who's ever going to abolish the mouthcaps again? Who's going to remove the ugly arrows in our beautiful inner cities? Who's ever gonna take away those hideous red-and-white ribbons in the brown bars? ? And all those plastic screens in the stores? How long do we have to register when we get somewhere?

When can we get mixed up again instead of. along each other? When can we live together again instead of. along each other? Who takes the initiative to another birthday, a family reunion or neighborhood barbecue?

Who gives the first handshake? The first hug? Who goes first in the polonaise? Who hangs the garlands?
Who dares to go back to that meeting where we literally make contact? Who dares to live again?

And I'm thinking, it shouldn't take too long, because before you know it, the next virus is already knocking back on the door.

Thank you so much for the beautiful text Jolanda Zwierstra Oors

We could use some critical people