If you're looking for a healthy fast food option, you might as well be searching for a unicorn riding a rainbow. It's about as rare as a politician keeping a promise. But hey, let's play along and pretend that a healthy fast food option actually exists. Maybe it's a salad from the golden arches of McDonald's? But then again, you might as well be eating a pile of lettuce that's been sprayed with a bottle of high fructose corn syrup.

Or maybe it's a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A? But then again, you'll still be consuming enough sodium to make the Dead Sea jealous. In the end, your best bet for a healthy fast food option is to just close your eyes, spin around three times, and blindly point to the menu. Good luck!

#qa #food

What is the healthiest fast food option?

What is the healthiest fast food option?

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