What would you change at Yoors?
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11 answers

Renewing is necessary, but personally I would like to go back to the beginning, organized

I would like to know more about this site

i'm exploring the platform

i'm exploring the page since i'm new

I wouldn't change anything, but continue to support his mission and vision forever. Forever Ears!

@Madeleine @Madeleine how good I also share what you say, you have to give him support so that yoors grows and grows every day

I would not allow people to be judged without knowing them and without the right to defend themselves

@Juli.carmen would be to open the possibility and right to reply

I think some publications can be improved more

@Neider would be to provide support to make them better and better

would impose 1 like +1 comment or visceversa

@Nedixson Aguirre is a song that has always been on the table about the likes

I would refine the moderations to make the most of it

I would probably be to focused on keeping everything running instead of really changing anything

@Julia it's good that you think so

It's not an easy answer because Yoors looks so great in the way it is

@roxana_ac Yoors has been evolving according to the needs of its users and changes in society