
Have you ever suffered or suffer for something that you want and cannot have? Have you noticed if the absence of some object or person causes you suffering? If the answer is positive, it means that you suffer from attachments. Yes, APEGOS, one of the great causes of suffering.

Right now the word "attachment" is in vogue. Personal growth and self-help groups approach this term considering that it is an emotional dependence on a person, environment, object or activity, which prevents full tranquility and a healthy existence. And what are we obviously attached to? Once a young woman told me: "I couldn't live without my" Blackberry mobile "(which was the boom in Venezuela at that time). Interpreting his words meant that his life depended on the possession of his cell phone. At that moment I realized how our lives can be subject to something or someone, that man is not the owner of objects, on the contrary, objects have become our owners.

Living in dependence is part of our nature, for example, we depend on our parents when we are children, we depend on sunlight to live and on trees for clean air. However, when we become slaves to a need, our emotional life is totally affected. For example, you have realized how many hours you can be separated from your cell phone, how many times you check it in less than 15 minutes, even without realizing it; With whom did you spend the most time in a meeting, with your cell phone or with friends and family? Do you even think, you can maintain serenity and lead a normal life when you do not get the brand of your choice on cell phones and lead your normal life? Many people do not achieve this state because their mental concept is that "they are what they want."

This is not just a simple evil, but it affects people in the world. To get rid of this attachment, it is a job that requires a lot of will. But the important thing is to wake up and realize that it is urgent to solve this problem, because the consequences can be serious.https://www.google.com/search?q=apego+al+celular&rlz=1C1CHBD_esVE825VE825&oq=apego+al+celular&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l3.6602j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

What Is Attachment?