I love to be creative with yoors.
Assignments are sometimes difficult but then you get real thinking πŸ™‚

I'm up early today and see beautiful posts from others come along. I think they're super, and I want to congratulate everyone on the result.

I went to work with cover up myself, now I made something about myself.
More like a certificate to myself, something I usually never do.
But today I stand on my "cover”
There is also a message on it, and as soon as this challenge passes, I will always read the message.
I'm going to try not to figure myself out, but not to let others take it down.
This will go with ups and downs.
But acknowledging this is already one step forward.

#yoorsnovember #coverup #yoorsnovember #zelfherkenning #boodschap #positive #positiviteit

Yoors Challenge Cover Up