
Everyone knows. A smell, suddenly.

A fragrance that you may or may not bring directly home... What does follow directly is an emotion. Positive or negative but it does something to you.

What has shaped us is our youth. From our earliest childhood. Your childhood, in which your brain is in full development. These years and what you experience in them are not only consciously and unconsciously engraved in your memory, they determine to a large extent who you are now. What you're afraid of, what gets you excited about, angry, sad, happy, insecure, happy or whatever.

You live your past.

Decisions you make, maybe even the work you do. Your weaknesses and strengths, can often be traced back to your past. Heredity, of course, also plays a role. Partly.

Actually, we're all just kids. Your first reaction, that 'primitive', to an event or situation. That's you as a child, albeit in a thin, mature jacket. Often you don't even notice that emotional reaction, because it is drowned out in a fraction of a second by our ratio. But he is there!

Know, the next time you become “suddenly” emotional; angry, happy, frightened, sad etc. that this has a cause that lies in your past. Consciously far tucked away but unconsciously oh, so active! And this is always triggered by a sensory perception.

You live your past