Circle, Circle, Circle.
'What do I hear?'
'That's the bell.'
'I thought it always did tring tring tring.'
“Until recently, yes, but the system probably has a November virus to catch.'
'What? I've never heard of that.'
'It is a bacterium that occurs between October and December.'
Circle, Circle, Circle.
“Shouldn't you open the door?.'
'Not this month. We had to temporarily replace the front door with a fence as a precaution.'
'Who so?'
'I know a lot, for better ventilation probably.'
'Are humans conceive of November viruses?'
'It seems that it may be an issue for some, but it's not really deadly.'
Circle, Circle, Circle.
“So, that's a bearer say, who would it be?'
'I suspect a challenger.'
'Which challenger?'
“That of 140 words, of course.'

Image of Steve Buissinne via Pixabay

An annoying crying challenger

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