#lifehack Anxiety is an emotional alert reaction to a threat. Let's say that within the process of change involving stress, anxiety is the most frequent emotional reaction. Elevated anxiety generates stress. In turn, stress is one of the most common sources of anxiety.

Difference between anxiety and stress

Because stress is generated by an event or an external situation, it usually decreases when the person takes steps to carry out the situation. Anxiety, on the other hand, is felt when you are experiencing internal pressure or an instant and constant worry about something.

The most common signs and symptoms of anxiety include:

Feeling of nervousness, agitation or tension
Feeling of imminent danger, panic or catastrophe
Increased heart rate
Accelerated breathing (hyperventilation)
Feeling weakness or tiredness
Problems concentrating or thinking about anything other than the current concern
Having trouble falling asleep
Gastrointestinal (GI) problems
Having difficulty managing concerns
Having the need to avoid situations that generate anxiety

Simple ways we can take into account to relieve stress and

-Exercise. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to fight stress.
-Consider the supplements.
Light a candle.
-Reduce your caffeine intake.
- Take note.
Chewing gum.
- Spend time with your friends and family.

Your worries may not go on their own and get worse over time if you don't seek help. Visit your doctor or mental health professional before your anxiety gets worse. It's easier to treat it if you get help soon.

Anxiety And Stress