October is #photography month on Yoors.

I want to continue a strong competition in the #photography pool and therefore like to invest in good photographers from which we can all learn and admire and 'judge' their work with our heartfelt hearts:)

  • Do you know a good photographer who you can help get started on Yoors?
  • Ask him if he wants to participate and respond under this post with a link to her or his work.
  • If I find the right additions then I have for each of those 10 photographers a booster ready of 100 euros per person.
  • Of course I leave all the comments below with the most hearts weighed heavily.
  • So this only applies to NEW members that you are allowed to introduce yourself.
  • That 100 euros is guaranteed for the person you put in and help a little on your way.


#Photography: 10 boosters of 100 euros.