I decided to live this life following my heart as guidance and measuring things in the simplest way ever: asking my shelf does the action I'm taking makes me happy? Does create more happiness in my life than it is already? If answers are positive then it's settled - when I set my mind, heart, and spirit on something it's mine already with my decision or course of action, simply because it's my choice with pure intention to create joy, peace, and abundance. That's how I manage to multiply my happiness - by doing only stuff I'm passionate and curious about! Of course, life does not come easy on us sometimes, but #havefaith in Your Soul whispers. Stay calm during to storm and listen to the sound of your breath silent as possible believing and knowing the natural process - everything has its end and beginning -, and You'll finally see Sun on the horizon. What I'm saying, one should always have enough patience for himself, allow himself to hear the sound of peace in mind, heart and spirit. Dare to try to do first step towards true heart desires, start hustle and mesure life by his own scale as he desirves. Literally between two breaths, as we conduct as one (one in and out), happens the magic of life in its true form, so do not hesitate to wonder! Do not hasatete to believe! Stop overthinking and go make your dream come true! #ruleoflife #dreambig #youcandoit   

So, I was hesitating a lot, making excuses instead of making a breakfast. "I'm dyslexic, I can't write poetry especially in English!!! I barely learned Croatian writing and reading as a child, I just can't!" was my mindset about the idea of writing a poem. Aldo, I was always drawn to poetry from a philosophical or psychoanalysis specter of view. But never, ever, ever, ever cross my mind I'll like to write a poem. But on my self-exploration journey, I was in search of the best way to express myself, my feelings, my thoughts, my soul code... Imagine my surprise when I realized I know how to write poems! And damn good ones, if You ask me! But I'll be glad and honored to hear your opinion dear Yoors community #Yoorslove   

Now, stop the Earth spinning, I know how to write a poem, what should I do? #poetry   #publish   #songlyrics   
At that moment thought about publishing or showing was like being nude in public, brought wrinkles on my face. Until I realized my poems are part of collective wisdom (as any other poem made by an honest human, forged in honest emotions) and maybe they are the answer, comfort, perfect massage in the perfect moment, or just spark of hope for somebody else who reads them. If you watch NCIS and Jethro Gibbs you know his famous rule number 14. - there's no such thing as coincidences! # sincronicity #lowofatraction #ruleoflife

In that moment i was like .... "Humanity have internet for decades now, why wait?" .... #soulpromises   #stopoverthinking   #Childofnature   

Soul promises

Open your heart to the paper,
do not let your thoughts become vapor.
Open your mind to poems and verses,
do not make any excuses.

You’ll find hidden wisdom ancient old,
how to be young forever and for eternity all.
Do not hide you from You anymore,
knowing You is the key to open a door.

# 1 Knock-knock, Your soul speaking - stop overthinking!
Can you feel your heart beating? Do you see that light blinking?
That’s a spark of life burning within you, code going through your blood and vanes.
You have to understand, You are so beautiful in so many undiscovered ways.

Take your every breath with the easiness of living,
You are a magical and unique human being,
- and nobody else has it or know it -
you are You so be proud of it.

Free your mind and listen to the soft sound,
it depends on You, make up your mind,
- choose a side -
dark or light?

# 2 Knock-knock is your Soul speaking - stop overthinking!
Can you feel your heart beating? Do you see that light blinking?
That’s a spark of life burning within you, code going through your blood and vanes.
You have to understand, You are so beautiful in so many undiscovered ways.

No better sign than a smile on your face,
Wake up with gratitude yesterday and today.
Believe, you have what it takes,
just imagine what that spark can create.

Feel the rain on your palm,
be a tree for a while,
and you’ll soon realize,
how connected we all are.

# 3 Knock-knock is your Soul speaking - stop overthinking!
Can you feel your heart beating? Do you see that light blinking?
That’s a spark of life burning within you, code going through your blood and vanes.
You have to understand, You are so beautiful in so many undiscovered ways.

Remember who You Are and where You’re from,
we all know each other in a different, lighter, form.

Do not be afraid,
loneliness and death are the illusion same.
The truth is - You Are never alone
- no one single soul is left all on their own.

We all have that power, hearing that voice.
It’s You knocking on Your souls’ door.

# 4 Knock-knock is your Soul speaking - stop overthinking!
Can you feel your heart beating? Do you see that light blinking?
That’s a spark of life burning within you, code going through your blood and vanes.
You have to understand, You are so beautiful in so many undiscovered ways.

#naturelover #paradisedreamer #truthseeker #truebeliever

#lifemotto @CreasaNL 

Creating happines as rule of life

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