In Venezuela there are many problems, the lack of articles of the basic food basket and the high cost of these foods has brought hunger and many health problems, due to the low quality of food, but that does not stop there, the real torture is To be treated in public hospitals, there are no doctors, since the doctors who could emigrate are being recognized in other latitudes, for their professionalism and quality, while the majority of those who attend the town, were trained in three years, by a university socialist and do not even have experience and do not even know how to take blood pressure, coupled with the deplorable state of the facilities, who enters one of the hospitals, does not know if he will leave, and if he does so under what conditions, the high cost of drugs, dollarized is another side of the coin, coupled with the pandemic, people prefer to stay at home even when they have some symptoms to see what happens, nobody believes and that is clear in the data s supplied before this crisis, the people find themselves to the good of God, fighting between hunger and disease, and begging _God not to face the cost of a treatment, since they will have to decide between eating and having said treatment, for Venezuelans , the pandemic is the icing on the cake, as we have deeper unsolved problems.Since we see that there is no treatment for dialysis of renal patients and with hunting, and the cost is high, the women in labor are attended in waiting chairs, and the babies in the crib are in boxes, little is what you get in a Public hospital, every day, Venezuelans entrust ourselves to God and ask for health, since those who get sick lose !!!!#Laguindadelpastel