“Can democracy—by definition the majority—tolerate enemies? The question is as follows:

“Would you agree to deny the freedom of speech to every political party that has in its charter the banning the freedom of speech? ”

Let's go one step further: “Should a society that has elected to be tolerant be intolerant about intolerance? ”

I read today, and I was shocked by what is written further.

It's in that book about asymmetry. A small vocal tenacious and often courageous group often causes change in society.
For example, I myself have a strong tendency to indeed no longer worship 'black piet' but to opt for an alternative or no piet at all.
Because I know that a small intolerant minority bothers and finds it terrible for all kinds of well-known reasons.
Do we live in a democratic society?

You have the right to contradict me so long as I have the right to contradict you. Effectively, there is no democracy without such an unconditional symmetry in the rights to express yourself, and the gravest threat is the slippery slope in the attempts to limit speech on grounds that some of it may hurt some people's feelings. Such restrictions do not necessarily come from the state itself, rather from the forceful establishment of an intellectual monoculture by an overactive thought police in the media and cultural life.

In the case of the cartoons in the classroom. An expression in art form is called by an intolerant minority
supported by threats removed. And even worse, the discussion will be avoided in future because otherwise you will be threatened with death?
Do we live in a democratic society?

Vrijheid van meningsuiting betekent : Dat ik jouw vreselijke mening tolereer omdat jij ook mijn belachelijke mening tolereert.
That's got to work two ways or it'll break.

So the question is:
Is the strength of democracy not its greatest weakness?
At its core, it is decided that you tolerate intolerant groups.
Until they kill you...

Loophole: Should a tolerant democracy tolerate intolerance? Or is that suicide?