Friends readers today what story can I come up with? This was the photo I had chosen to participate in the challenge, it all happened some time ago, in that period I made works with pencils and logically I tempered many and every time I was fascinated by the colors pencils, I don't remember how it happened, I was probably just guided by my instinct but I decided not to throw all that color in the garbage and one day without thinking twice, I dropped that material on a sheet and then with the tip of my finger wrote love message, the word love means many things, you can love a person, your dog, chocolate, pizza, your favorite team in this case my love was for art, a love for colors and for the material that you touch with your hands, the hands connected with the brain and with the heart a whole of emotions and happiness, oh yes, when I work with art I don't think about anything around me and I forget all problems, in that moment I am myself in contact with the material with which I will create a work of art, logically I will never be Picasso, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Pollock or Van Gogh but I am myself and every time I try to make good works and the best way I know is to free my imagination and work with my hands, for me everything happens easily and naturally I don't struggle, oh yes sometimes making art is also tiring but basically it's fun and then I just express myself and what I do is mostly for others, I am aware of the luck I have had and I like to offer my art for the happiness of the people, some time ago I told you about Romero Britto, do you remember him? He is much better than me and with his colors he makes people all over the world happy, art is love for people and people love art, yes this is really a beautiful love story. #yoorsnovember